Wednesday 20 March 2013

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

A little animation on who was my target audience and why did I choose them?

When I first started researching I held a focus group and asked the following questions:

Do you read magazines?
If you do, what genre do you buy?
If not, what’s stopping you?
What magazine do you read?
How could you improve that magazine?
How much are you willing to pay?
What is the first thing that attracts you to a magazine?
What artist are you interested in?
Do you prefer weekly or monthly magazines?
Would you be likely to buy a subscription?
Would you be more likely to read the magazine as a new media product e.g. app?

From this I learnt that from the 17-18 year olds that I asked that most bought magazine of the indie genre and thought that a monthly magazine at the price of £2.50 was reasonable. As I am targeting the market of students I decided to lower the price to £1.60 so that this is very more attractive and eye-catchingly low price to the potential buyers. They would use apps to read my magazine so I added QR codes on the contents page to my magazines website, making my magazine more technologically advanced.
They said the first thing that attracted them to there magazine was an attractive front cover star, I made sure my front cover star looked at her best and as 72% of my readers are male more attractive for hetrosexual males.
They were interested in indie bands such as Foals therefore I featured them in my article along with Jake Bugg, Kings of Leon and fresh artist Palma Violets, Peace and Swim Deep.

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