Friday 22 March 2013

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

 Over the past couple of months I have learnt and researched a lot into how you make a music magazine.

One of the first thing I learnt was the conventions of music magazine for example the masthead is at the top left hand corner. I then started researching and planning my magazine, using focus groups looking at different groups of audiences. After all the researching and planning I decided I was basing my magazine on students aged 16-27 who were lovers of the indie genre. I then began learning new skills on Photoshop and taking pictures of my cover artist Soph Bright.

I developed my Photoshop skills since my preliminary task and have quite a high quality of knowledge on different tools on the programme.

If I could do it again I would add more cover lines on my front cover.

It was useful doing a preliminary task as it introduced me to Photoshop as well as helping me start understanding conventions to follow.

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst making this product I had difficulties with changing the background blue, but through research and practise I overcame this. This shows I have improved over the past months.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

A little animation on who was my target audience and why did I choose them?

When I first started researching I held a focus group and asked the following questions:

Do you read magazines?
If you do, what genre do you buy?
If not, what’s stopping you?
What magazine do you read?
How could you improve that magazine?
How much are you willing to pay?
What is the first thing that attracts you to a magazine?
What artist are you interested in?
Do you prefer weekly or monthly magazines?
Would you be likely to buy a subscription?
Would you be more likely to read the magazine as a new media product e.g. app?

From this I learnt that from the 17-18 year olds that I asked that most bought magazine of the indie genre and thought that a monthly magazine at the price of £2.50 was reasonable. As I am targeting the market of students I decided to lower the price to £1.60 so that this is very more attractive and eye-catchingly low price to the potential buyers. They would use apps to read my magazine so I added QR codes on the contents page to my magazines website, making my magazine more technologically advanced.
They said the first thing that attracted them to there magazine was an attractive front cover star, I made sure my front cover star looked at her best and as 72% of my readers are male more attractive for hetrosexual males.
They were interested in indie bands such as Foals therefore I featured them in my article along with Jake Bugg, Kings of Leon and fresh artist Palma Violets, Peace and Swim Deep.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Peer Feedback

I really like the layout of you contents page as it looks conventional. Your use of original images are really good and clear too.

You could maybe improve by adding some text near the QR code for example, you could use a website for your magazine, because I think it looks a little bit random on it's own.

Overall I really like it, and it's original! Keep it up!
Lauren Richardson :-)

Peer Feedback

I really like the photo of the main feature as the stars on her face relate to the description you wrote which is good, i like the colours you have used they work really well together.
For an improvement i think you could make the 'contents' text a little bigger to stand out a bit more.

Lauren Lewis

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Feedback Response

Feedback Response

With this feedback I think I am not going to change the image as I like the way it goes against conventions but I am going to add more coverlines and also try to make the image more vibrant.

Peer Feedback - Jacob Kay

Name of person giving feedback: Jacob Kay

Overall Assessment of blog: All posts are backed up with great descriptions as to why they relate to the production of their final front cover.

Strengths of front cover: Main image is really effective and looks professional.
The layout of the front cover also is conventional to music magazines making it look like an actual professional cover.

Areas for development: Main image on a front cover is conventionally a mid-shot so including this may make this cover look more professional.

Peer Feedback

Jonny Page
A lot of effort put into the blog and a lot of information has been given, the process is good and well explained.

Peer Feedback

Danny Birdsall
Very good blog, each piece of work that you've posted is really detailed and you can tell you've put a lot of effort into each piece. As for the drafts, although the design of them does improve with each draft and the final draft looks really good, the fact that each draft uses the same image becomes slightly repetitive and dull, but that's not really a big problem for the overall blog.

Peer Feedback by Amelia R

I think that this blog is good because there are extra posts other than the ones that were required.

The strengths of the front cover are the colour scheme and the text, i like the way that the colours match with the image. Also the mast head looks really professional.

I think that the front cover could be improved by making the image more vibrant.

Peer feedback

Becky Marrow

From looking at your blog I can see you've tried really hard, I can see the process you went through to make your final front cover really clearly and I think that your final draft is really well done, it fits the genre of your magazine really well and I can see where you've got your inspiration from your research.

Your front cover is good, the masthead is bright and eye-catching and the bands you've mentioned on your cover lines fit the genre well. The artist in your main image fits the style of your magazine, and I think that overall it looks very professional, I also like that you went against convention and used a long shot instead of a mid-shot for your main image.

I think to improve your magazine you could add a few more cover lines to make it look a bit more full as this would maybe interest readers more.